CFD/CSD Analysis of an Active-Twist Rotor (2015)
The following videos were presented at the 71st AHS forum. Download PDF.
Surface meshes and isosurfaces of Q=0.00005 colored by vorticity magnitude for rotor mounted in TDT for advance ratio = 0.13. Download MP4.
Surface meshes and isosurfaces of Q=0.00005 colored by vorticity magnitude for rotor mounted in TDT for advance ratio = 0.33. Download MP4.
Three phases of initialization procedure. Cutting planes show Mach number. ARES/ATR model surfaces are colored by Cp. Download MP4.
Three phases of initialization procedure. Cutting planes show vorticity magnitude. ARES/ATR model surfaces are colored by Cp. Download MP4.
Ares I-X (2010)
Transient vibration due to a prescribed arbitrarily large initial generalized velocity in all flexible modes. Surface coefficient of pressure is shown where the top and bottom panels are for Mach = 0.920 and Mach = 0.925 respectively. These conditions bracket the computed bi-modal state and these animations show that large aeroelastic defections are not enough to trigger transition between separated and attached flow states. The computations were done using FUN3D. See AIAA-2010-4373 for more details. Download MP4.
Vertical Tail Buffet (1996-97)
The configuration is a 65 deg delta wing, with F/A-18 vertical tails at Mach = 0.4, Alpha 30, and Re=1E6. The video shows particle traces colored by release time to illustrate vortex breakdown. Also shown are short duration red particles which are released from within the boundary layer. The CFD code used was CFL3D. Particle traces were generated with NASA Ames’s UFAT/FAST. See NASA/CR-1996-203245. Download MP4.
The configuration is a 65 deg delta wing, with F/A-18 vertical tails suspending in mid air at Mach = 0.3, Alpha 30 and Re=0.75E6. The video shows particle traces colored by release time to illustrate vortex breakdown. Short duration red particles are released from within the boundary layer. Tail deflections are computed in bending and torsion modes with a blue outline showing their undeflected positions. The CFD code used was NASA LaRC’s CFL3D. Particle traces were generated with NASA Ames’s UFAT/FAST. See Chapter 6.4 of Massey dissertation. Download MP4.